Dental Self-Examination

Learning all you can about your smile and the factors that are important.

Routine self breast exams, skin exams and blood pressure checks are key identifying signs of health problems and are excellent tools to help you manage your overall health. The dental self exam is also integral to the health of your mouth as well as your overall health. Especially if you take medications or have a chronic illness that may impact your smile, regular dental self exams can play a significant role in helping maintain a winning smile..

Learn How To Conduct A Dental Self-Examination

  1. If you can, purchase a small dental mirror at a drugstore, or use me smallest face mirror that you have. A flashlight or bright overhead light will help you in this examination. Go slowly, and inspect each tooth carefully and critically.
  2. Begin your examination with the last tooth on your left side on the lower jaw. Gently pull your cheek away from the back teeth, and with the other hand shine a light on your back teeth. Use the mirror to see the teeth reflected in it.Go slowly all around the mouth, top and bottom, and look at each tooth individually—front, back and in between. 













Now your self-examination is over. What’s next?Now focus on what health issues you may have that could contribute to your oral health. The Assessment is designed to bring your attention to five important factors that have to be considered before you can map a plan to fight gum disease and tooth decay.

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Smile Health Assessment

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